Prayer Fellowship

Fellowship in Prayer Mission Statement

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).
Matthew 9:29 “According to your faith will be done to you” Which means, Dream big dreams and Pray big prayers.

As the body of Christ let us offer our prayers for our brothers and sisters in need. Let the power of our prayers help strengthen and heal your servants: California Fire Victims, Frank, Venetia, Jim, Hariclia, Alexandra, Stefanie, Stathia, Kristina, Jenna, Joan, Adrienne, Antonia, Hurricane Helene Victims, George, Carolin, Fiona, Sawyer, Greg, John, Patricia, Antonia, Christos, Eva, George, Mark, Kostas, Doctors, Nurses, Ukrainian People, Hospital Workers and our Security Forces.

For additions to this list, please contact the Church Office 732-775-2777 or George Moutismoutis

Prayer for Healing of the Corona Virus

Merciful Lord, the true comfort and hope of those who suffer, we entreat You to accept the prayers which we offer to You in our affliction. Grant that this sickness which You have permitted to come upon us may bring us closer to You and lead us to a more righteous life. Master, You send down upon us both affliction and consolation. You are the Lord of life and health. You alone can raise us up from our bed of sickness. Without Your gracious help we cannot hope to recover. It is true that we are sinners unworthy of Your mercy. But because of Your goodness, You receive everyone who turns to You with a humble heart and a repentant spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Say to us as You said to the sinful woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” Surely we will not forget Your warning to the paralyzed man, “Sin no more, that nothing worse befall you.” Our health is in Your hands. You need say only the word, and we will get well again. Yet Your will, not ours, be done. You know best what leads to our health and our salvation. You have bestowed many blessings upon us throughout our lives, and we pray that You will not forsake us now, in this time of sickness. Amen.